How confident are you in the quality of your Infinite Campus student data? Do you deal with time-sensitive deadlines for reporting data to the state, as well as for internal stakeholders who rely on your SIS data? CIC’s Data Health Check application provides a series of rules that audit your data every night, along with reports to identify students with incorrect or missing data. Our application builds dynamic Infinite Campus ad-hoc filters as well to locate students with issues and correct them quickly. Your staff who are responsible for these requirements will save up to 40% of the time spent each year doing this work and they will LOVE you for these tools!
Professional Development, Conferences, Illness – There are many reasons why teachers are absent from school and a substitute is needed. Short-term subs need to take attendance, view class rosters, seating charts, etc.; longer-term subs also may need access to the Campus grade book or other teacher tools.
Assigning sub teachers to section(s) in Infinite Campus can be data entry intensive and prone to errors. The CIC Sub Attendance Wizard provides an intuitive screen for office staff users to easily “match” substitute(s) and the teacher(s) they are working for fast and easy for a single day or multiple days. Matched subs are entered automatically into the correct section(s) for each day, with both start and end dates assigned fast and easy. This wonderful tool will save time, reduce errors, and let your staff spend their time on more productive tasks.
Many customers want to share data visualizations for a specific student with students and parents on the Campus Portals, and / or within Infinite Campus custom screens. CIC developed our Reports on the Portal (ROTP) application to do just that! As the underlying data changes, so do the visualizations in real-time.
ROTP also may be used with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports, enabling custom report cards, transcripts and other reports to be shared online with parents and students on the Campus Portals. Save time, save paper and trees, mailing costs, etc., while also saving time and effort for your parents and students by having custom reports available on the Campus Parent and Student Portals!